Monday, December 21, 2009

Introduction to Simply Urban

The city has gone mad. Shopping more, buying more plastic imitations of the rich, famous and robot life. They're all pissed at each other, honking, fighting for parking spaces. It's hard to discriminate between the birthday of a child and a rehearsal for a not-enough-goods armageddon!

These were my thoughts at Christmas. These were the thoughts that sparked my desire to blog. Here are my thoughts 3 months later.

First: Who am I and why am I blogging? Well, I am an educator, a lover of learning, a lover of hard questions (answering and asking), a lover of provoking thought and thinking, a lover of exploring and trying to understand my mind and the mind of others. My dear friend Kenneth recently called me a downer, mostly in jest as I know he likes to think as much as I do, but it's true... once your eyes are open, the world becomes a very different place. As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss. So, if you're looking to remain ignorant, perhaps you should stop reading now. However, if you want to open your eyes, to learn with me, please read on and contribute by posting your comments. Help me perpetuate the idea that knowledge is power. Help me dispel the myth that ignorance is bliss...

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