Saturday, June 2, 2012


I'm blogging for no other reason than to offload some recent dive notes.  For me, then, this is just an external memory blog.  Perhaps for you, though, it'll be inspiration to feed yourself.  Don't forget to share--those guys on the Venice Boardwalk really need it, for example.  Also, don't take more than your fair share, unless for some reason you think you'll be the last diver of the night.  Lots of people rely on this food.  Finally, don't risk getting the dumpsters locked please, that means going very late at night (after 1AM is best), being quiet, picking up trash (even the trash you didn't spill on the ground), not making a mess in the dumpsters so others can eat the stuff you don't take, and being mindful, conscious, loving, giving, and thankful.

14 pounds of organic blueberries
2 pounds of organic strawberries
4 pounds of organic grapes (mixed green and red)
1 pound of champagne grapes
6 dozen eggs
3 pounds of organic plums
1 pound of figs
25 pounds of bananas (some organic)
4 potatoes
10 pounds of flour (unbleached)
1 bag of cashews
4 pies
lots of junkfood

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