Thursday, September 6, 2012

foraging in Taos - garden style: September 2

After a lovely visit to the artisan market in downtown Santa Fe, we headed back towards Taos.  I wanted to show my parents around town, and we had been invited to forage in Phyllis’s garden but hadn’t found time on our last visit.  First things first, Cid’s.  Despite the fact that we didn’t need anything, far from it, it’s always interesting to see what gets thrown out and who we’ll find at the dumpster.  Smelly bins, loaded with flies, were what we found… probably full of perfectly good food.  Saved for someone else, it is a very popular place to dive after all.

We drove up towards the ski area and parked Butter.  I cooked some of the elk meat we’d been gifted, lots of vegetables, and we made burritos with the tortillas we got from TJs.  After washing up, we drove to Phyllis and Mark’s house.  She started with a tour of their house, which they built themselves.  Much of the wood came from a burn, they harvested and debarked it all themselves.  I think she said the main room downstairs cost about $13.  The space was inspiring, curvy and organic, simple and breathtaking.  The garden, full of goodies, was equally lovely, clearly cared for and loved.  Nearing sunset, we picked raspberries, chard, lettuce, arugula, beets, carrots, green white and purple string beans, snap peas, green onions, and a giant squash.  We talked for what felt like hours inside, reminding me that the book I’m working on is not just about connecting with food, but equally (and perhaps more importantly) about connecting with people.  We’re all in this together--left, right, white, black, rich, poor.  When we open our eyes to that fact, only then will we speak with and live the love that we are.  I would do anything, literally give my life, to witness the generosity I’ve experienced on this trip, the kindness and love that we’ve been blessed with, embodied in all members of society.  What would that take? 

I was sad to leave their house, arms full of garden produce, fresh bread, homemade carrot marmalade, and heart full of love and gratitude.  Taos, another place I’ll call home.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Erica,
    I finally am reconnected with your blog after calling Ram for the URL that somehow I had misplaced. Now I am drawn in again to your story and fascinated by your adventures and the people you are meeting.

    Herb is here and sends hugs and greetings.
    Love to you and Andre,
    Your admiring friend, Sue

    September 26, 2012 10:26 PM
